Son en número de siete, y están íntimamente relacionadas con la doctrina de la Cadena planetaria. Admitida la séptuple naturaleza del hombre, cada uno de sus principales guarda relación con un plano, un planeta y una raza. Las Razas humanas nacen la una de la otra, crecen, se desarrollan, envejecen y mueren. Las subrazas siguen la misma regla.
Cada Raza-madre, con sus correspondientes subrazas e innumerables subdivisiones en familias y tribus, es enteramente distinta de la Raza que la precede y de la que le sigue. Cada una de las siete Razas, así como la más mínima división de ellas, se divide en cuatro edades: de oro, de plata, de bronce y de hierro.
De las siete Razas, cinco han aparecido ya y han completado casi su cadena terrestre; y otras dos tienen que aparecer todavía en esta Ronda.
Nuestra quinta Raza-madre existe ya como Raza sui géneris y por completo independiente de su tronco-padre, desde hace un millón de años; de lo cual puede inferirse que cada una de sus cuatro subrazas precedentes ha vivido unos 210.000 años; así, cada raza-familia tiene un promedio de existencia de unos 30.000 años; y así también la raza-familia europea tiene aun bastante miles de años de vida, aun cuando las naciones, o sean las innumerables espinas que hay en ella, varían con cada "estación" sucesiva de tres o cuatro mil años. (Doctr. Secr., II, 453, 454).
La quinta Raza (la aria) es la que actualmente sigue su curso en nuestro globo, coexistiendo con una gran parte de la cuarta Raza (constituída por los tártaros, chinos y mongoles), y con algunos restos de la tercera (aborígenes de la Australia y hotentotes). -El curso de las Razas humanas corresponde a los grandes períodos de involución o descenso, de equilibrio y de evolución o ascenso. (Véase: Cadena planetaria).
En el período de involución, o descenso, se desarrollaron las tres primeras Razas; en el de equilibrio se desenvolvió la cuarta Raza, y el período de evolución o ascenso corresponde a las Razas quinta, sexta y séptima. (Doctr. Secr., passim).
Primera Raza- Apareció bajo la protección del Sol (o más bien de Urano, que místicamente lo representa). Por residir la conciencia en el plano âtmico, estas formas fueron denominadas Raza de los Dioses, hijos del Yoga, (pues los Pitris emanaron sus sombras (chhâyâs) mientras se hallaban entregados a la meditación), y nacidos de sí mismos, por no haberlos procreado padres humanos.
Son formas enormes, filamentosas, proteicas y etéreas, bhûtas sin sexo, exudadas de los etéreos cuerpos de sus progenitores. Podían estos seres estar parados, andar, correr, volar; sin embargo, no eran más que un chhâyâ, una sombra insensible, dotada sólo de un oído rudimentario y de una vaga conciencia del fuego.
Esta Raza se reproducía por escisión o brote; el individuo crecía, aumentaba en tamaño, y entonces se dividía en dos mitades iguales, al principio, y en sus últimas etapas en porciones desiguales, de las que dimanaban seres más pequeños, que a su vez crecían y daban origen a nueva prole. En esta primera Raza no hubo ninguna primera subraza definida, si bien podemos indicar siete etapas de desarrollo o cambios evolucionarios. Ninguno de estos seres podía morir, "ni el fuego ni el agua podían destruirlos". El fuego era su elemento.
Esta Raza residía en la primera tierra firme que apareció en el globo, el pico del Monte Merú, el extremo del polo Norte, el comienzo de la imperecedera Tierra Sagrada, la tierra de los devas, llamada también Zvetadvîpa, la Isla Blanca o Tierra central, cuyo clima era como el de una deliciosa primavera.
Esta tierra ha de ser sucesivamente la cuna de cada Raza humana bajo el Imperio de Dhruva, el Señor de la Estrella Polar, cualquiera que sea el punto adonde haya de dirigirse después de su nacimiento.
Segunda Raza- Nació bajo la influencia del planeta Júpiter (Brihaspati). Los espíritus de la Naturaleza o devas inferiores conglomeraron en derredor de los chhâyâs (sombras) películas de materia más densa, formando una especie de tupida envoltura externa, y lo exterior, (el chhâyâ) de la primera Raza vino a ser lo interior (el doble etéreo) de la segunda. Estas formas filamentosas y de brillantes colores (amarillo de oro, anaranjado, etc.), heterogéneas en apariencia, de figura diversa, semejaban vegetales o animales, y a menudo tenían unos contornos semihumanos.
Flotaban en el espacio, trepaban, deslizábanse de acá para acullá, y se llamaban con unos sonidos aflautados. La conciencia de la Mónada en esta Raza responde débilmente a la conciencia búddhica. Adquiere un nuevo sentido, el del tacto, respondiendo así a las impresiones del aire y del fuego. Esta Raza ofrecía dos principales tipos de reproducción: por expansión y brote (generación sexual), y por medio del sudor con indicios de sexualidad, por lo que se dio a sus individuos el nombre de andróginos latentes.
Esta Raza pasó a residir en el segundo Continente, llamado Hiperbóreo o Plakcha, que ocupaba el actual norte de Asia, junto con Groenlandia y la península de Kamschatka. Formaban también parte de este continente la isla de Spitzber, Suecia y Noruega, extendiéndose por el sudoeste hasta más allá de las Islas Británicas.
La bahía de Baffin era entonces tierra firme. El clima era tropical, y el suelo estaba cubierto de abundante vegetación.
Tercera Raza (Lemuriana)- Ofrece tres tipos perfectamente definidos que designaremos con los nombres de tercera prima, tercera media y tercera última. La tercera prima nació bajo el imperio de Zukra (Venus), gracias a cuya influencia se desarrollaron los hermafroditas, quedando las razas separadas bajo Lohitânga (Marte), que es la encarnación de Kâma o naturaleza pasional. Como todas las formas entonces existentes en la tierra, el hombre era de estatura gigantesca.
Era rojo con mucha variedad de matices; tenía la frente deprimida, la nariz chata y las mandíbulas abultadas y salientes. Los divinos andróginos eran de un hermoso y espléndido tinte rojo dorado.
En esta Raza se desarrolló el órgano de la visión; al principio era un ojo único en medio de la frente (llamado más tarde tercer ojo), que brillaba como una joya en su órbita; más adelante fueron dos ojos, pero éstos no tuvieron completo uso hasta la tercera subraza de la tercera Raza; y únicamente en la cuarta Raza, cuando el tercer ojo retrocedió al interior convirtiéndose en glándula pineal, añadió el sentido de la vista a los del oído y del tacto.
En cuanto a la conciencia, la tercera Raza, por su contacto con Âtma-Buddhi-Manas, demostró trinidad. A la conciencia de los contactos del fuego y del aire, añadió los del agua. El lenguaje pasó a ser monosílabico.
La reproducción era de tres tipos: en la primera subraza se efectuaba por gotas de sudor, y apenas se distinguía el signo sexual en el cuerpo; gradualmente apareció la generación ovípara (tercera y cuarta subraza), produciendo seres hermafroditas al principio, y más tarde con predominio de un solo sexo, hasta que por fin nacieron del huevo varones y hembras; en la quinta subraza empieza el huevo a quedar retenido en el seno materno, y nace la criatura débil y desvalida; por último, en la sexta y séptima subrazas ya es general la generación por ayuntamiento de sexos.
El hombre de la tercera Raza era contemporáneo del pterodáctilo, del megalosauro y otros animales gigantescos. La cuna de esta Raza fue la Lemuria, llamada Zâlmali en las historias antiguas.
Cuarta Raza (Atlántica)- Fue engendrada por la tercera Raza unos ocho millones de años atrás, a cuyo fin el Manú de la cuarta Raza eligió de entre la anterior los tipos más adecuados, a quienes condujo a la imperecedera Tierra sagrada para librarlos del cataclismo lemuriano. Nació la cuarta Raza bajo la influencia de Soma (la Luna) y de Zani (Saturno); a la influencia de este último astro se debió en parte muy principal el gran desarrollo de la inteligencia concreta que caracteriza la subraza tolteca.
El lenguaje era aglutinante; pero andando el tiempo adquirió flexión, y en esa modalidad se transmitió a la quinta Raza. Cuna de la cuarta Raza fue el vastísimo continente de la Atlántida. (Véase esta palabra). La inmensa mayoría de los habitantes del globo pertenece todavía a la cuarta Raza.
Las siete subrazas de ésta son:
la Ramoahal
la Tlavatli
la Tolteca
la Turania
la Semítica
la Akkadiana
la Mongólica
Entre ellas merece mencionarse, por su alto grado de civilización, la tolteca, que conocía a fondo la química, la astronomía, la agricultura y la alquimía; estaba también muy versada en la magia negra, gran parte de la cual tenía por instrumento el hábil empleo de los "rayos obscuros" de la luna, o sean las emanaciones de la porción obscura de este astro.
Quinta Raza (Aria)- Es la actual raza blanca del globo. Se desarrolló bajo la protección de Budha (Mercurio), pues su principal objetivo era el desenvolvimiento de la mente, y a este fin, el planeta de la sabiduría bañó con sus benéficos efluvios la cuna de la Raza. Hace ya un millón de años el Manú Vaivasvata seleccionó de entre la subraza semítica de la Raza atlántica las simientes de la quinta Raza-madre y las condujo a la imperecedera Tierra sagrada.
Edad tras edad, fue modelando el núcleo de la humanidad futura. Allí se añadió el quinto sentido (olfato) a los otro cuatro, quedando el hombre tal como es en el estado presente. Allí el Manú congregó las más brillantes inteligencias y los caracteres más puros para que renazcan en las formas que El desarrolla. Una vez que hubo establecido el tipo de su Raza, la condujo al Asia Central, en donde moró por largo tiempo, fijando allí la residencia de la Raza cuyos brotes habían de ramificarse en diversas direcciones.
Esta Raza tiene las siguientes subrazas:
la Aria
la Ario-semítica
la Irania
la Céltica
la Teutónica
La sexta y la séptima florecerán en el Norte y Sur de América.
Sexta Raza- Estará caracterizada por su desarrollo espiritual, por la adquisición del sexto sentido, o sea la clarividencia astral, y por sus tendencias unitarias.
Poblará el continente Zâha, cuya emersión inicial ocurrirá en el punto donde actualmente se halla la América del Norte, que con antelación habrá sido cuarteada por terremotos y fuegos volcánicos.
Séptima Raza- Se caracterizará por su completo desarrollo espiritual, por la adquisición del séptimo sentido, o sea la clarividencia mental, y por el pleno reconocimiento de la unidad. Florecerá en el séptimo continente, llamado Pukchara, cuyo centro ha de estar en el punto en donde se halla actualmente la América del Sur.
Al terminar la vida geológica de este continente, sobrevendrá el fin de nuestro globo, cayendo en apacible sueño después del larguísimo día de trabajo y vigilia.
Root-Races from TheosophicSocietyWebsite
The main serial divisions of the human life-wave on any globe of a planetary chain; for instance, the root-races on our globe D include the third or Lemurian, the fourth or Atlantean, and the present fifth. Each such root-race contains many and various races as the word is commonly understood.
All the human beings alive today are part of the fifth root-race. Each life-wave when it has completed its cycle of seven root-races on one globe, transfers its life-energies to the next globe, whereupon begins the same sequence of seven root-races on that next globe.
Thus each globe of a planetary chain has its seven root-races, which together constitute one globe-round, the whole set of seven globe-rounds completing one planetary round.
Root-race, First of the fourth round on globe D of our earth, composed of emanations of the lunar pitris produced by the processes of chhaya-birth - the ethereal lunar pitris emanated their own "shadows" or vehicles, as colossal ovoid bodies of tenuous astral substance, to us translucent, and having but rudiments or type of color.
They were spiritual and ethereal within, and more condensedly ethereal outwardly, as yet possessing latent but not active intelligence, and therefore as yet having no speech; composed of all the elements, but as yet having no living intellectual fire manifest.
Their habitat was the "Imperishable Sacred Land" around the region of the north pole, where they first appeared in seven more or less distinct but overlapping localities. Their method of reproduction in the earlier periods was by one form melting into its progeny.
Later the race reproduced itself by fission; in all these cases there was no death to individuals, because the individuals became their own descendants, as is exemplified in certain elementary forms of life today. This race inhabited the globe when there was more water than land on the earth, and its destruction was by fire.
However, even in this first root-race in which individualized intelligence was not yet manifesting, because the forms were not yet ready to carry this intelligence, there were nevertheless certain representatives, the highest in the entire vast racial group, who were already intelligent because of unfolded manasic attributes, and who because of their more advanced state of evolution were enabled to build up an intermediary psychological apparatus of etherealized or tenuous character permitting the transmission of thought and intelligence from the monad into the physical frame.
These intelligent entities, few as compared with the vast numbers of the mass, were the first manasaputric incarnations, and were therefore the highest and most evolved, and in consequence the leaders and guardians of the unintelligent multitudes of this race.
Root-race, Second Like the first root-race of the present round on globe D of the earth-chain, the second was astral, though somewhat more concreted, physicalized, or materialized. The bodies were unlike what is now regarded as human, bearing but vaguely the human outline of a gelatinous, filamentoid, jelly-like nature, as yet without evolved bones, organs, hair, or true skin.
Reproduction was by budding, as occurs in some lower organisms today.
About the middle of the race, these buds became numerous and the process became modified to one analogous to the casting off of spores or seeds, or to the exuding of drops of vital sweat. These beings were mindless and unmoral, innocent, guided unconsciously by their spiritual instincts, nevertheless largely under the sway of lower rather than spiritual impulses, somewhat like the animals of today.
For as yet no intellectual fire from the manasaputras (sons of mind) had been communicated to them, so that as yet there was no working bridge of mentality between spirit and matter in them.
Root-race, Third A period when human evolution passed through a stage analogous to that of the third round, but qualified by the fact that it belonged to the fourth round.
The date of the beginning of this third root-race is set at some 22 or 23 million years ago; and 18,000,000 years ago is given in theosophical writings as the date of the awakening of mind and the separation of the sexes at or somewhat after the midpoint of the third root-race. The latter date is collated, according to the geology of Blavatsky's time, with the later Triassic and earlier Jurassic periods.
The geographical area was the enormous continent known as Lemuria and outlying islands, some even of semi-continental size; and, like the other odd-numbered races, in this geographical distribution the water-area predominated over the land-area, and its destruction finally came about through fire.
The filamentoid and boneless structure of the semi-astral human bodies at the end of the second root-race now thickened and condensed, separating itself upon a rapidly developing skeletal form into nervous, muscular, and other systems, combined with the appearance of definite organs, with specific functions, thus constituting the first truly physical human beings.
The mode of reproduction at the beginning of the root-race was by the exudation from the surface of the body of vital "sweat" or cells, but with the hardening and specialization of the body itself, the production of the reproductive cells became localized in special organs and the mode of generation became oviparous; later these human eggs were no longer extruded as is the case with fowls today, but shrank greatly in size and were developed and fertilized within the body: first in a virginal manner, and then before true sex appeared there ensued a fairly long period of androgynous reproduction in which androgynous humans occasionally gave birth to individuals in whom one or the other sex predominated; and these occasional appearances, as time passed, became ever more frequent with the recession of androgyny, and the final appearance of true sex as it is understood today.
This process extended over hundreds of thousands, and even a number of millions, of years.
More important, however, than these biological facts was the awakening of mind, of self-conscious thinking, inaugurated by the descent of the manasaputras who not only at first projected sparks of their own full self-consciousness into the innocent and unthinking humanity of that early time, but who likewise so stimulated the appearance of mind that the latter finally became common in differing degrees to the entire human stock.
Root-race, Fourth Often spoken of as the Atlantean, the name given in theosophic writings to the land-system which it occupied; it followed the third or so-called Lemurian race, not suddenly but with overlapping.
During the fourth root-race humanity reached its greatest phases of materiality, especially since it occurred during the fourth round. The fourth root-race was roughly contemporaneous with what towards the end of the last century was called Tertiary times and came to an end in what was then known as the middle Miocene. Its total duration was millions of years.
The stature of the generality of the fourth root-race peoples was what would be gigantic to us today, which is one source of the universal tradition as to giants on the earth in far antiquity.
Its earlier language was the monosyllabic type of the latter half of the third root-race, yet the characteristic speech during a large portion of its span was of the agglutinative type, inflected speech coming with the fifth root-race. The mode of reproduction was sexual, as it was in the latter half of the third root-race.
After the fourth root-race had reached its zenith, certain unevolved tribes committed miscegenation with the most evolved of the then-existing simians, which were the descendants of a previous miscegenation of representatives of the third root-race with true monkey stocks. This second miscegenation produced a hybrid stock from which the anthropoid apes are descended.
There was an enmity lasting for ages between the benevolent and the selfish portions of the fourth root-race, which continued with the Aryan adepts of the nascent fifth root-race and finally ended in the triumph of the positive; but nevertheless the karma of Atlantean black magic even yet blights our own fifth root-race, for the people of today were imbodied as the humans of Atlantean times. Descendants of fourth root-race humanity even now are among the inhabitants of the earth, together with rapidly dying out remnants of the third root-race, and also various mixtures of all these.
During the fourth root-race on this globe D of the fourth round, evolution reached the middle of its course for this planetary manvantara, and the door to entry into the state of spiritual and intellectual evolution called the human kingdom was closed. All entities beneath the humans (and probably higher anthropoids who were in existence before that epoch) must await until the next succeeding round before even the highest representatives of the beast kingdom can pass on to the human stage.
All subhuman kingdoms will show a tendency as time goes on to die out, because the monads of these kingdoms will go into latency for the remainder of the planetary manvantara; their chance for evolution into the human state will come again during the succeeding planetary manvantara.
Root-race, Fifth The human race at present on earth; the fifth root-race on this globe D in the fourth round originated from the seed-race of the middle fourth root-race and as the ages passed began to occupy the lands which have since gradually taken form in our present continental distribution.
It is subdivided, like all other root-races, into seven subraces, and these again each into smaller divisions. The present predominant sub-subrace is the fifth of its fourth primary subrace, only a little beyond the point of greatest materiality of this root-race.
In one general sense, the fifth root-race actually comprises the many and extremely varied stocks which exist on the earth today, simply because they all live in the time period of the fifth root-race, although many of the stocks are lineal descendants of the last subrace of the fourth root-race more or less intermixed with what can be described as more characteristic fifth root-race stock.
The Chinese, for example, although descended from the latest subrace of the fourth root-race, yet because of living in fifth root-race times are to be reckoned among fifth root-race peoples, of which indeed they are among the very oldest. The Semites in all their divisions are to be considered as an early offshoot of the fifth root-race, and not as a race essentially or radically distinct.
The fifth root-race is sometimes spoken of as the Aryan race, merely because the Aryans of India are an existing example of the earliest branches of the fifth, though the term Aryan is not in accordance with the various ethnological and linguistic distinction to which that name is commonly applied. The characteristic language of this root-race is inflectional, such as Sanskrit or Greek.
The symbol of the fifth or Aryan race is "that which is its most sacred symbol to this day, the bull (and the cow)" (SD 2:533).
Root-race, Sixth The root-race which will succeed the present fifth root-race, sometimes called the Aryan race in theosophical literature because the Aryan Hindus were a part of the original first subrace of the fifth root-race.
Care should be taken not to confuse the sixth root-race with the sixth subrace of the fifth root-race which was stated by Blavatsky to be in process of forming in America as seeds - the earliest pioneers, although already beginning to appear, will not be numerous for several thousand years.
The preparation for the sixth root-race will take place during the sixth and seventh subraces of the fifth root-race in the Americas. When the time arrives, this future sixth root-race will be predominant on the earth, new lands will have appeared, and many of the present lands will be submerged. The surface of the globe will, in time of course, be entirely changed, and there will then be more land than water (as also was the case during the fourth root-race).
During the sixth root-race, humanity will not be gigantic in size (as were the fourth and third root-races), for spirituality will be on the ascendancy and materiality decreasing, so that at the end of the sixth root-race the development of spirituality will be parallel to what it was at the beginning of the second root-race plus, however, the added evolutionary experience gained during the preceding root-races.
The characteristics of sex will gradually disappear, and humanity will be slowly once again becoming androgynous. Offspring will be born in a manner generally similar to that which prevailed during the second and early third root-race periods: toward the close of the sixth, mankind will begin to manifest the first appearances of reproduction by kriyasakti (propagation by means of will and imagination).
Toward the close of the sixth root-race, humanity will be showing a steadily increasing tendency to evolve out of fleshly into more ethereal physical vehicles.
These various changes are presentments of what will in the due course be established in relative perfection during the sixth round - coming events cast their shadows before. Indeed the sixth root-race will be as compared with our own fifth far in advance, spiritually, intellectually, psychically, and even physically; and the attainment by mankind of adeptship or mahatmaship will be notably more easy than is the case at present.
With the advent of each root-race a new cosmic element comes into proportionate manifestation, and a new physical sense apparatus appears: thus humanity in the sixth root-race will develop what is meant by a sixth sense.
The fifth cosmic element (often named aether or akasa-tattva) will reach a development proportionate to the evolution of mankind during the fifth root-race in this fourth round; and after the same manner, a sixth cosmic element will make its appearance during the course of human evolution during the sixth root-race.
Furthermore, just as a manushya-buddha comes to lead mankind in each root-race, so will one appear during the sixth root-race of the future.
Root-race, Seventh The seventh and last root-race of any round on any globe of a planetary chain. Reference is nearly always to the seventh root-race of the fourth round on globe D of the earth-chain. It characteristics are analogous on a smaller scale to those of the seventh round, modified by the fact that it belongs to the fourth round.
There is a return to conditions of purity which prevailed at the beginning of the round; but this return does not mean a going backward but an emanative evolutionary unfolding to the point where the cyclic motion brings all things back to the same plane, but on a higher subdivision.
The great adepts and initiates - referring here specifically to the seventh root-race on globe D of the fourth round - will once more produce mind-born sons immaculately, and there will be a race of buddhas, sons of god, the purity of the krita-age being reestablished (SD 2:274, 483). The invisible north polar continent will once more become visible, and the bodhisattva Maitreya will appear (SD 1:328, 470). A seventh element will appear as a presentment, not however to be fully manifested until the seventh round.
In this race some of the greatest adepts will return.
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