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miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015


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Welcome to the home site of Gravitation3D, an elegant and beautiful shareware program aimed at providing an intuitive understanding of the laws of gravity and having fun.
NEW!  I have started a G3D blog for public answers to questions, update information, and discussion of interesting systems. 

Gravitation3D is unique among astronomy software because you get to create.  It is not about exploring what we have observed out there, but rather about imagining what is possible and constructing it!

Have the G3D Screen Saver cycle through the systems you've created or simply auto-download systems from the web to see new simulations all the time.

For a few years, I posted a computer generated system daily.  These were created somewhat randomly and resulted in lots of interesting surprises.  My hope is that they will give you some good starting points and ideas for your own systems.  Please visit the G3D System of the Day Archive and have a look around.

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